CCA NEWS 01-12 February 2021

#ISSUE30 #midterms #nurturing #talent and #wisdom

Dear Crown City Academy Community,

January is already over and we are 2 weeks away from the midterm exams. We welcomed Ms. Witness as the new Little Engineers classroom teacher. She is replacing Ms. Nasra who returned to her home after her grandmother passed away. Ms. Witness has varied and strong experience teaching in mainland and was schooled in Uganda. She was previously a youth coordinator for USAID in Tanzania and has a successful track record of coaching students in standardized tests. A fun fact about Ms. Witness is she once was a tutor for a young Mr. Max. Ms. Witness is also a linguist and loves learning languages. When you see her please say hello.

During the month of January students participated in STREAM activities that included creating and figuring out patterns. We introduced Morse codes and deciphering codes using Morse code. We conducted experiments using hot and cold water transfer from one bottle to the next. Students made floating devices with different materials to test water density and buoyancy. In art related STREAM activities we used salt and colored chalk to make salt art, patterned rainbows, and seed writing. Geography classes created fossils, learned about the layers of soil and sediments. In Language Arts classes students play Scrabble every Thursday to improve spelling skills. These are just a few of the activities that occur on a daily basis at CCA. Our students are engaged and our teachers implement creative learning lessons to help children grasp concepts and themes.

We celebrated birthdays in January.

Happy Birthday to you Jennat, Niko and Diego.

The upcoming 2 weeks will be just as exciting with new themes and activities. Below are upcoming events and the midterm exam schedule.

Some parents have asked what it takes to be a CCA Good Neighbor. We started the school year in September and promoted being a Good Neighbor in honor of Good Neighbor day every September. A Good Neighbor at CCA is someone who participates regularly and frequently in class and schoolwide activities. A Good Neighbor shows inclusive and friendly behaviors, completes homework, is caring for the Earth and school grounds, and shows respect for self and others. What we emphasize to students that no one is all good or all bad. We emphasize a Good Neighbor is someone who also makes progress and improvements over time. Teachers mainly look for consistency and in some cases meaningful acts that show progress, thoughtfulness, and growth. For instance on January 28, 2021; some students had a dispute in a class regarding who would work with whom on a partner assignment. The teacher encouraged them to work through the dilemma and solve the problem. The teacher served as a mediator as the students calmly discussed and reflected and eventually came to a compromise of their own in which all students were satisfied with the conclusion. This kind of act was impressive for Year 1 students and therefore they received Good Neighbor awards as a way to encourage their schoolmates to work towards finding solutions that does not always involve the teacher giving them the answer to their problems. We believe students are capable of working through their disputes and teachers guide them same as a counselor would do.

Students of last week’s Good Neighbor


MID-TERM SCHEDULE 15-19 February 2021

Classes Little Scientist and Little Engineers

9:00-10:00 Monday 15 February: Science

11:00-12:00 Monday 15 February: Kiswahili (ORAL AND WRITTEN)

9:00-10:00 Tuesday 16 February: Math

11:00-12:00 Tuesday 16 February: Kiswahili (ORAL AND WRITTEN)

9:00-10:00 Wednesday 17 February: Language Arts

11:00-12:00 Wednesday 17 February: Handwriting/Reading (ORAL TEST)

9:00-10:00 Thursday 18 February: Social Studies

11:00- 12:00 Thursday 18 February: GYM/PHSE (Oral/fitness test)

Please note that individual teachers will send home and review possible topics to be covered for each subject for the mid-term exams.

This list of students will have an oral handwriting midterm. Please find your child’s initials below.

-H.J., M.M., M.S., A.G., R.D., N.B., N.G., M.K., J.S., T.I., D.G.

These students should review pages in their handwriting book that discusses introducing yourself and introducing a classmate. Students should practice posture, eye contact, and voice levels while presenting.

Nursery and Reception class will participate in gym/PHSE, Kiswahili oral tests and assessments for literacy and numeracy during morning blocks.

This week’s activities for After School:

Monday: Soccer- kids visit field near school garden to do drills on different terrain.

Tuesday: French- in honor of Day of the Crepe students in this after school activity will make crepes while learning the vocabulary surrounding this activity. C’est magnifique!!!!

Wednesday: Pilates for height. Students in this after school activity will do pilates moves that lengthen their limbs.

Thursday: Music- Students in this afterschool activity continue with the piano. They will learn the intro and finger positions of the famed Heart and Soul piano partner song.



Monday: break lemongrass tea, toast, and fruits; lunch pasta and sauce with beef sausage.

Tuesday: break lemongrass tea, pancakes and fruits; lunch veggie chapati wrap and fruits.

Wednesday: break banana smoothie, banana bread and fruits; lunch beans and rice.

Thursday: break passion juice, biscuits, fruits; lunch chicken strips and veggie wedges.

Friday: break lemongrass tea biscuits and fruits; lunch pilau and salad

CCA promotes positive relationships and encourages self-worth through setting high standards in learning and development that is creative, culturally, cognitively, linguistically, emotionally and physically appropriate.