CCA News- 07-18 June

#Issue36 #EndofYear

The month of June marks the last full month of school at Crown City Academy. As you know the last day of school is July 16. We are working our way towards graduation. All students will play a role during graduation. Each class is tasked with presenting and/or performing at the graduation. All students will be honored for their various achievements during the course of the 2020-2021 school year. Graduation is always an exciting time and we all are looking forward to seeing our students accept their awards. Students will start practice on their contributions to graduation starting Monday.

The last two weeks have brought several CCA Good Neighbors. These students have shown improvements in social interactions, and classroom participation. Maya- Class 4, Amani- Class 3, Hatim- Class 4, Romuald- Class 1, Diego- Class 1. Congratulations and keep on shining.

Monday we will be celebrating Best Friends Day. We have organized activities throughout the day for kids to work as a team with their friends and classmates in different grades. Some activities include putting puzzles together, play the compliment game and Red Rover Red Rover come over.

Additionally, the month of June brings us to the year-end of final assessments. All classes participate in these assessments. The dates of the final assessments will cover June 28-July 9. The Cambridge Assessment is thorough and comprehensive. It tests reading comprehension, spelling, writing proficiency, grammar, mathematical skills and competency, listening, open-ended questions, scientific and geographical knowledge. The purpose of an assessment is to gather relevant information about student performance or progress or to determine student interests to make improve their learning process. These assessments also help us determine possible class placements for the upcoming school year, learning materials, and resources to include in school books. Please note the assessments informs teaching practices. It allows a teacher to strengthen a teaching strategy if a student is not meeting learning objectives. Overall assessments allow both teacher and student to find their strength and weaknesses and together plan strategies for improvement. We have increased the time of assessments from 1 week to 2 weeks to allow more time for successful completions.

Lunch Menu

Monday– break fruits, lemongrass tea, biscuits; lunch chicken nuggets with cucumbers;

Tuesday-break fruits and pancakes, lemongrass tea with cinnamon; lunch pasta;

Wednesday-break fruits and toast, lemongrass tea with cinnamon; lunch beans and rice;

Thursday- break fruits, biscuits, and lemongrass tea; lunch chips and chicken tenders;

Friday– break fruits, lemongrass tea, andazi; lunch salad and pilau.

CCA promotes positive relationships and encourages self-worth through setting high standards in learning and development that is creative, culturally, cognitively, linguistically, emotionally and physically appropriate.