Welcome Back! Welcome Back!

#Issue40 New school year 2021-2022! Let’s make it more fabulous than the last one.

Welcome back, everyone. School starts tomorrow 06 September. We have returning students and new students joining us. We also have a new teacher, Ms. Levina. She was with us for a few sessions during the summer camp and is now working full-time at CCA as a science and engineering, math teacher. She will be mostly working with age groups 4-6.

During the first few days of school, we planned for students to try on their uniforms, do revisions of their summer work packet, share their summer holiday stories, and participate in several other team-building activities. We are asking that all returning students bring a sizeable bag to school on the first day. We have complied all the work and artwork that was either hanging up or left in classes. Several students have workbooks they completed during the previous school year here. It is a good idea to keep these materials for review and to see the progress of each student from one year to the next.

In addition to the papers, we are including a welcome folder for parents in each child’s bag. Sibling groups have one folder found in the oldest child’s bookbag. You will find the class schedule in the folders. Please be on the lookout for that. A reminder to turn in medical forms to update files.

During the summer Mr. Hassan, Mr. Max, and Ms. Unkonda became certified sensory fitness educators. This means we have updated our credentials and can provide specialized fitness activities for children. Sensory fitness allows children to learn and grow in an environment designed to help them feel comfortable and happy. They’ll see a room full of fun things to explore while you see developmental progress. Happily, while we took these video courses online, we saw that CCA already implemented several of the activities that were taught. Below is a shortlist of activities that we do regularly in different classes especially gym that is considered sensory fitness.  

-texture-filled scavenger hunts

-making playdough smooth and bumpy

-using rice and dried beans,

-painting with fingers, using chalk on rough surfaces

-using water

-push-ups, planks, sit-ups, and squats

-imitating how animals move

This year we are including more items for sensory fitness in gym and after-school activities (swivel seats, stability balls, crash cushions, and sensory tent. Please find the after-school activities program for term 1 below.

After School / Mchanganyiko Clubs (September 20-November 19)

Monday-Thursday: Reading/Roller skating club

Tuesday: Sensory fitness soccer and pilates

Wednesday: Intro to robotics

Thursday: Art /Music

Friday: No After School Activities

Kids can participate in any activity for the term. An additional charge of 100.000 per child is needed in order to participate. Please note some after-school activities will have special events on some weekends. Announcements will be made prior.

If you are interested in after-school activities please complete a short form and return with a payment on September 17th. Thank you

Exciting subject updates

These days popular catchphrases schools tend to use include preparing students for the 21st century. However, what does it really imply on a day-to-day basis? For us, at CCA it means that we are constantly looking at educational research and journals and applying them to global realities. Therefore, for students entering into Year 5, their course list now includes entrepreneurship rather than bookkeeping. All science classes are now science and engineering and technology. For example, while learning about the animal kingdom, students learn and produce projects on biomimicry. Our afternoon STREAM classes will still run as usual for students.

School Catalog

The school library has grown significantly from last school year and will continue to grow. We now have well over 1,000 titles for students, teachers, and adults. Our books are diverse in themes and images. We cover all reading levels and interests. We ask if you take books home to please use the sign-out book that sits on top of the bookshelf in the office. Please return books in the same condition when checked out, avoid drink, food, and animals while using the books at home. And to please return then no more than 3 days after check out. The longer a book stays out, the more likely it is to get lost and/or damaged. Thank you and Happy reading!!!

Lunch Menu 06-17 September

Monday- break pancakes and fruit with lemongrass tea; lunch vegetables, chicken breast with a side of rice;

Tuesday- break homemade applesauce, fruit, and crackers with lemongrass tea; lunch chapati, fruits, and vegetables;

Wednesday- break mandazi, fruits, and lemongrass tea; lunch rice and beans with fruit;

Thursday- break fruit medley and biscuits, and lemongrass tea; lunch mixed vegetables, chicken with chips;

Friday – break fruit sticks and buns, and lemongrass tea; lunch mixed vegetables and chips with fruit.

Upcoming Events

06 September- First day of school Term 1

06 September- Read a Book Day

07 September- Ms. Michelle’s birthday

09 September- Care Bears Share Your Care Day

09 September- School Picture Day