CCA News 20 September- 01 October


Dear CCA Community, we are starting our 3rd week of school. It was an unbelievable first 2 weeks of school. Students have really come back with a high spirit, high participation, and eagerness in the class. During our first 2 weeks back we welcomed Mr. Dalmas to perform our fire safety drills. We have two new fire extinguishers to help in the event there is a fire on campus. The first 2 weeks of school brought a birthday celebration with Ms. Michelle and a food cooking demonstration with Carnaval of Flavours for Guacamole Day.

We have posted many school values and reminders in common areas and in classrooms to help students remember to be kind. We also require all staff to be kind and respectful to students. As we know the best way to change behavior is to model it. We do want to remind parents to bring in toothbrushes and toothpaste for their child or children so that we can continue dental hygiene after lunch. October 1 is World Smile Day and it is the kickoff of our oral hygiene STREAM class topics.

This week after school activities start from 14:30-15:30. Please see the schedule below:

Monday-Thursday: Reading /Roller Skating Club

Tuesday-Sensory Fitness soccer and pilates

Wednesday-Intro to Robotics


Friday-No After School Activities

Upcoming Events

September 21- National Chai Day

September 22- Happy Birthday Romuald

September 25- Happy Birthday Maya

September 28- Good Neighbor Day

September 29- Women’s Health and Fitness Day

Lunch Menu

Monday- Break- chai, fruits, and toast; Lunch- garlic roasted potatoes with a side of veggies

Tuesday- Break- chai assortment of lemongrass, spice, and cinnamon chai with biscuits and fruits; Lunch beans and chapati

Wednesday- Break- lemongrass tea, mandazi, and fruits; Lunch chicken, veggies with a side of rice

Thursday- Break- lemongrass tea, pancakes, and fruits; Lunch Pilau with a side of fruit

Friday-Break- lemongrass tea, biscuits, and fruits; Lunch chips and veggie sticks with a side of fruit