School events calendar are activities that are typically school-wide and can include other schools or community members. During the school year students participate in Science Fairs and Space Week, World Soil Day field trips, The Olympiad, Falloween Festival, Puzzle Day, Kids Vegan Food Cooking Workshops, Cambridge Global Perspectives Week, World Read Aloud Day, Book Week, Mindfulness Week, Maths Week, School Birthdays and many more activities that enrich their learning experience.
Our social media feeds Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter carry our events and many more photos and videos.
CCA Summer Vacation Camp
Dear Parent/ Guardian,
Crown City Academy is pleased to offer a full range of programs throughout the year, including the long school holiday (July-late August). Our programs especially our summer camps are highly recommended for new students. The camps help new students familiarize themselves with teachers and their surroundings. They also meet some existing students and make friends. Overall CCA’s programs are designed to:
-Improve Growth and build self-confidence
-Create new interests, try new activities, build social skills
-Make friends, make memories, and have fun
Below are past themes with descriptions.
Weekly Themes
June 24 –June 28: The World We Live In
Children will explore the world in which we live. In Early Childhood, children will “travel” the world by region, learning games, making crafts, and doing activities focused on the countries they visit. From ages 4-9, children will learn about taking care of our world, exploring the concepts of pollution and recycling. They will create music and crafts with recycled items and learn fun and creative ways to take care of the Earth.
July 1 – July 5: Traveling Around Zanzibar
This week, children will explore our host country, Zanzibar. They will learn poems and songs, play games, and make crafts and food from the region. Children in Early Childhood will learn about the animals of the national parks, and ages 4-9 will explore the landscape and major features of the country. This week, we will have a special guest to lead a workshop on traditional dance.
July 8 –July 12: Storybook Party! Dress up as their favorite characters from storybooks, make a trip to the local library.
July 29 –August 2: Poetry & Storytelling
The word of the week is “Storytelling!” Early Childhood children will explore a variety of ways to tell a story, including music, art, drama, and making books. The age 6-9 section will focus on poetry, doing a variety of crafts, writing workshops, and “camping” in the Garden of Rhyming Words. Throughout the week, the 4-9 group will create puppets for an end-of-the-week puppet show.
August 5 –August 9: Under the Sea/By the Sea
Greet the summer with fun by the sea. The Early Childhood section will learn about ocean animals, play beach games and activities, and have a Boardwalk Carnival with face painting, games, and snacks. Ages 4-9 will explore life under the sea, with activities, games, and arts about sea creatures, and will end the week with a pool party.
August 12 –August 16: Kindness Club
For our final week, children of both sections will explore ways to make a difference and to serve and respect one another. They will do a variety of crafts and activities dedicated to showing kindness to their friends and family and reach out to the local community. This week will culminate with a fun end of summer activity.
Weekly Highlights: Every week, children will participate in fun and exciting games and crafts tied to the weekly theme, and periodically throughout the summer, we will have special guests, performers, and possibly a local field trip. The following activities are part of every week’s program:
Magic Kitchen
Once a week, Early Childhood will learn about food nutrition and make a healthy snack, while ages 4-9 will be following recipes with science and learning the science behind cooking.
Outdoor Activities
Every day, children will have the time to exercise, outdoor games, sports, and other activities.
Arts & Crafts
Daily creative activities based on the weekly themes; ages 4-9 will also have an ongoing all-summer art activity.
Splash Day!
Once a week, children will participate in outdoor water games and activities.
A bathing suit, towel, and a change of clothes are a must.
French Club
Children will learn French words and songs and play games using French.
Library Time
Early Childhood will have daily storytime in the library, and a few times a week, ages 4-9 will have some quiet reading time at the end of a busy day of activities.
Friday Fun
Children will participate in a culminating activity based on the week’s theme.
Activities may include guest performers, exhibitions, or surprise.
Secondary Students ages 10-17
June 24 –July 12: Junior Startup
Secondary-aged children work in groups to create and develop a start-up model. Junior Startup is part of the Global Entrepreneurship Week every November. Students will learn about business plans, components of entrepreneurship, meet local entrepreneurs, learn to think like an entrepreneur.
July 29 –August 2 Debate
Secondary-aged students use language, and oration to form their arguments. This year students will learn how to use debate strategies to support and market their junior startup project.
August 5 –August 16: Sports Club
Secondary-aged students participate in swimming activities, football and/or cricket, and traditional/ modern African dance and drumming.
Additional Secondary Activities:
Swim Days
Service Learning on Nelson Mandela International Day
Permaculture at Nane Nane Day
Field Trips
Are you interested to join our students to have fun and create remarkable memories?
Don’t hesitate to contact us now as we have limited space.