Admissions Process
When new students are being considered for admission to CCA, the following procedures will be followed.
- The Director or Curriculum Coordinator will interview the student and the parents.
- The Community Relations Officer or the Receptionist will provide the parents with the application form, health form, and other information.
- The fee structure will be discussed with the parents by the Business Manager and/or Community Relations Officer.
- If the parents plan on enrolling the student, arrangements are made to test the student’s level of learning to assist in the placement of the child. ELL teachers may be consulted when necessary. These screening tests cannot be scheduled until the admission form and accompanying documentation is complete and a registration fee has been paid.
- The student’s previous records – grade or year reports, cumulative records, standardized test results, special evaluations, etc. – are examined to determine special needs and proper grade placement. Admission and grade placement decisions will be conditional until such time as the school records are submitted or forwarded to the school office.
All new and transfer students will be tested prior to admission. These tests will be conducted before school starts, if feasible. Families who are unable to be here during this time need to contact the school to make other testing arrangements. These tests are used to determine proper instructional placement and to predict the ideal level of successful study for prospective students. Final decisions about admission and grade placement are made by the school director.
Grade Placement Adjustments/Retention
The administration, in consultation with the teachers concerned, shall be responsible for the grade placement, promotion, retention, and graduation of all students.
Grade placement adjustments may be made after a careful review of the circumstances. The teacher first discusses the matter with the Director or Curriculum Coordinator. Parents of students whose progress indicates possible retention should be notified by the end of their first term at CCA.
Conferences are held with the parents, teachers (current grade and new grade), and the Director and/or Curriculum Coordinator. The student’s case is reviewed. Efforts are made to come to a joint recommendation. All parties sign the written record. The agreed-upon action is taken. This agreement becomes a portion of the student’s permanent file. The school reserves the right to make the final decision if an agreement is not obtained.
End of the School Year
The following procedures shall be followed when students transfer at the end of the school year:
- Parents are required to provide the school with a minimum of two weeks’ notice. Parents should request a withdrawal form from the school office.
- Parents will be given their withdrawal packet within 30 days of formal written notice.
- Transcripts and report cards will not be issued if there are outstanding accounts for the student.
For student withdrawals in the middle of the school year, these procedures shall be followed:
- The school must be notified in writing of the student’s last day of school at least 2 (two) weeks in advance.
- Please keep in mind we do not refund tuition and annual fees including fees paid for uniforms and transportation if the student was a bus rider.
- All teachers will fill out a report card. It is understood that students may occasionally transfer between the established grading periods. It is important that the homeroom teacher indicate on the report card the date of transfer and the number of days completed in the term of the school year that the student leaves. Report cards are updated and printed only at the end of each term. No credit (and thus grade promotion) will be given to students who depart prior to May 15. Applicable final exams must be taken before departure.
- The school administrative assistant will complete a transfer form and assemble the materials that are to be given to the parent on the last day of the student’s enrollment.
All term grades that a student earns at Crown City Academy will be recorded on his/her official transcript. These records will be maintained in the school’s file. Once grades are entered onto a student’s transcript, they are final. Change of grades can not take place after the completion of the semester without the consent of the Director.