CCA News- 04-17 October

#Issue24 #CCACommunityKids

The last two weeks have been filled with excitement. Students have progressed in writing, mathematics, reading, and social emotional life skills.

Last week we celebrated our new Good Neighbors. Safia, Romuald, and Layla have made consistent improvements in behavior, participation, and kindness. We hope that they keep it up. One of the main characteristics of the Good Neighbor is to see gradual improvements. We are not striving for perfection because there is no such thing. Perfect means different things to people. Additionally, we are not looking for all good or all bad. There is no such thing. We look for the effort being put forward to self correct. Last week we had a read aloud called the “Bad Seed.” The take away from the story was that we are not all good or all bad, that we should monitor our emotions to see how they affect how we behave and interact with others.

It is a pleasure to educate your children and have them participate in the school’s dynamic daily program. Every day we see great improvement in acquiring and retaining knowledge. We hope parents and guardians can also see the development we see at school, at home. Remember learning is a process and it should be challenging. When something becomes easy means you have mastered it and now need to move on to something more challenging. It is through this that we see growth. At CCA, we encourage a positive attitude towards learning and trying.

Class Updates:

In PHSE students engage in a series of life and social skills activities. We participated in a hygiene challenge on World Smile Day. Students competed in two teams displaying proper brushing techniques, cleaning their play spaces, and proper bathroom hygiene.

In Gym students played balloon golf on World Balloon Day. They were in teams and without using hands they blew their balloons into boxes. Sounds easier than the effort and technique needed to make that happen. Mainly, they learned that teamwork is the best way for balloons to reach their destination.

In STEAM students made a simulation of a hot air balloon, and an eggshell cavity brushing activity. Again both these experiments were in connection with World Balloon and World Smile Day.

In Art students used balloons to make cards which they will exchange with classmates and teachers. This is in conjunction with Teacher’s Day on October 5 and Cardmaking day which was over the weekend (October 3).

CCA Community Kids News

Over the weekend (October 3), CCA was at Fumba Town for the monthly farmer’s market. We will be going there regularly as we raise funds for the Zanzi-Half Marathon in December 2020. The Zanzi-Half Marathon is an event that we started sponsoring with other community organizations. We have committed to sponsoring 2,500 bottles of water and 100 bottles of natural fruit juice along with snacks for the runners and general population. Additionally, we would like to send a team of runners. In 2019 when we participated, it was a great experience for us. It is another great community event.

If any students and/or parents ever want to participate with us at the farmer’s market and volunteer, we would like to hear from you. We know that kids can not volunteer the entire time so even a pop in to visit the stand is appreciated. Ms. Michelle will continue to do face painting and will be setting up a photobooth and portrait station in the kid’s section for future markets.

We look forward to seeing you there again. Thank you for your continued support.

Upcoming Events:

04 0ctober- World Habitat Day

05 October- World’s Teacher’s Day

06 October- Mad Hatter Day

09 October- Curious Events Day

13 October- Astronomy Day

14 October- Nyerere Day (National Holiday No School)

October Birthdays

October 03- Hatim

0ctober 21- Mr. Hassan

Lunch Menu

04-17 October

Monday- breakfast: lemongrass tea with fruit kabob and andazi; lunch: beans and coconut rice.

Tuesday- breakfast: lemongrass tea with fruits and pancakes; lunch: green bananas and chicken.

Wednesday- breakfast: lemongrass tea with biscuits and fruits; lunch: chapati and salad.

Thursday: breakfast: lemongrass tea with fruits and porridge; lunch: vegetable samosas and rice.

Friday: breakfast: lemongrass tea with fruits and toast; lunch: pilau.

CCA Pilau