CCA NEWS – 17 May 2020

CCA NEWS keeps you informed. #Issue 20

think through any challenge.


We can hardly believe how quickly this 3rd term is moving, even though we are completely online. We have reached the midterm mark of our 3rd term and are having our midterms during the week of May 18-20. A test schedule is posted on our Seesaw online class message board. Below are some study tips. Remember that exams can be and should be more than question and answer. Our current situation is a great opportunity for everyone to recognize the diversity of exams. Exams can be practical, project based, and involve events that displays a student understood and integrated the information they absorbed.

Find a good place to study– a bright and airy space that has study essentials-quiet and comfortable with access to resources such as paper, pens, paper, and a dictionary;

-Organize your study time– prioritize your work so you have enough time, know when to take breaks;

-Understand your learning style (are you a visual learner, a learner through listening-auditory, or a kinesthetic learner- learning by doing).

After midterms and Eid, classes in primary can expect topics that include electricity/circuits, spelling/reading comprehension, and urbanization/cosmopolitan.

Although, we are in regular communication with students and parents; looking ahead parent/teacher conferences can be scheduled by Zoom or a phone call. Lastly, please keep in mind that we still expect students to provide high-quality work and submit it in a timely manner. We are also open to suggestions, feedback, and recommendations.

Upcoming Events

18-20 May: Midterms

21-26 May: end of Ramadan Eid celebrations no online classes

27 May: Online classes resume

CCA promotes positive relationships and encourages self-worth through setting high standards in learning and development that is creative, culturally, cognitively, linguistically, emotionally and physically appropriate.