CCA NEWS- 19 April 2020

Nurturing Talent and Wisdom

Issue #18 #Homeschooling2020 CCA News keeps our community and community at large informed about school updates.

Well it has finally arrived our term 3 starting 20 April. One main difference is that we will not see our students physically due to the global pandemic of the Coronavirus. Schools have been closed globally for most of the 2019-2020 school year. In Zanzibar we closed on March 18. What was supposed to be for 30 days, was recently extended for an indefinite period of time. Nonetheless, we will not let these events deter us from continuing to provide learning opportunities to our families. Further we do not want to prolong the learning of our students; therefore, we will be starting term 3 online on April 20.

What you can expect from our online classes:

-students will have instruction daily (M-F); lessons go online Sunday evening;

-students will have opportunities to ask questions;

-assignments will cover all subjects once a week;

-assignments will be graded Pass, NI (needs improvement), Fail);

-students engaged in more project based inquiry based lessons.