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CCA News -April 10, 2020

CCA News
Issue #17

CCA News is to keep our school community and community at large informed on a bi-weekly basis of happenings in and around school events that also involves the public.

#DistanceLearning- Requires Cambridge/CCA Learner Profile

Responsible: for themselves, responsive to and respectful of others

CCA students take ownership of their learning, set targets and insist on intellectual integrity. They are collaborative and supportive. They understand that their actions have impacts on others and on the environment. They appreciate the importance of culture, context and community.

A word from CCA Leadership Team

We are pleased with the students that turned in their assignments on the Seesaw online learning tool. Seesaw is an app we started using in term 1 as a means of involving parents and students in the daily activities on campus. It is a good place to create an online portfolio of a student’s work. We will continue to use Seesaw during the school closure of COVID-19, summer holidays, and other school vacations.

School is now officially on Easter Break as of 10 April until April 19. We are expected to reopen on April 20th. We have ended term 2 on the 9th of April and our term 3 will start on April 20. If the COVID-19 school closures are extended, we will continue with our online system. Please see our guidelines below if we switch full time to distant learning for term 3.

-Lessons for the week will be posted Sunday evening per subject.

-Monday – Wednesday parents and students can interact with teachers between 9:00-13:00 for questions and guidance.

-Thursday- All assignments should be posted by 16:00.

-Friday- Global Perspectives seminar with students and teachers 9:00-11:00.

We have modified our report cards to reflect the changes in the second and third term grading system. Please see the new temporary grading system below.

CCA will use the following for students grades for term 2 and term 3 (if we are fully on a distant learning program in term 3).

P= Pass 70-100% of assignments and attempted problems completed)

NI= equivalent of a C or D (Needing Improvement; 50-70% of assignments and attempted problems completed)

IE = Incomplete (less than 50% of assignments turned in and less than 50% of problems attempted)

Additionally, we have added a note on report cards explaining our grading system switch was due to the Coronavirus outbreak and school closures worldwide.

Thank you to all the parents and students that shared pictures of how they are spending the time while social distancing and staying a home.

Upcoming Events:

April 10-20: Easter Break;

April 16: Report Cards for term 2 sent home via email on record;* if you do not receive a report card please email

April 20: School resumes whether online or on campus.

CCA promotes positive relationships and encourages self-worth through setting high standards in learning and development that is creative, culturally, cognitively, linguistically, emotionally and physically appropriate.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Juma Abdallah Kikoi

    Be blessed.

    1. admin

      Hello Juma thank you!!!

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