CCA NEWS -April 26, 2020

Issue #19 #Onward #Forward CCA NEWS keeps you informed and up to date.

We completed our first week of term 3 online last week. We want to thank all our families that are engaging during this shift of the norm. Remote learning as everything else has it’s challenges and pros. One of those challenges are connectivity and internet speed in a developing nation. Nonetheless, as in all things, flexibility is necessary for successful outcomes. We encourage you to send feedback so that we are aware of any challenges your family encounters so that we can assist where we can. Although, classes are happening online, many of the same learning skills still apply in the home environment.

Below are are some tips for helping your child learn at home.

-Make sure your child has a comfortable place to work.

-Be flexible, stay calm, and help your child manage stress.

-Encourage organized exercise and maintain a sleep schedule/routine.

-Maintain healthy eating habits, but a goodie here and there is fine.

-Help children think about their goals and gain control of their studies and keep motivated.

Lastly, we have entered into Ramadan and we hope that all of you will continue to be safe and protected.

Upcoming Dates:

April 26: Union Day

April 27: K-12 Global Art Exchange

May 01: Labor Day No online classes

CCA promotes positive relationships and encourages self-worth through setting high standards in learning and development that is creative, culturally, cognitively, linguistically, emotionally and physically appropriate.