CCA News keeps you informed. #Issue21


Here we are more than halfway through the 3rd term. Many of you are listening to the news and wondering when schools for primary students will open. We have also been following what the local ministries are sharing. Additionally, we are in communication with the Ministry of Education, which is advising schools in Zanzibar. We are aware that Zanzibar is open for tourism. Internationally airports have various dates of opening and receiving international travel. We have weighed several scenarios and have decided what is best for our school population is to remain online until 10 July. It will mark the end of our 3rd term. We will reopen 08 September 2020. During this time we will be following the pandemic and how reopening affects the spread or lack there of in Zanzibar and globally.

So far we know that several school systems around the world that reopened too soon, closed again because of the Coronavirus spreading. We want to avoid this scenario as much as we possibly can. Health and safety of the students and staff is paramount. We are rewriting protocols and the flow of our school day. Guidelines to protect and prevent the spread of the coronavirus are being worked on in collaboration with Urbancare Clinic. Nonetheless, we are asking parents to continually speak and practice good hygiene measures. Additionally, kids should start getting in the habit of wearing masks. It will be a necessary requirement unless proven otherwise by September. CCA will have coronavirus customized hygiene kits at the start of the new term. As protocols are finalized we will keep you informed in the newsletter.

During the summer break we will require students to participate in weekly assignments for reading and reading comprehension. We planned a summer reading program to keep students engaged during the summer vacation. Several international school systems require summer reading. There are several benefits of summer reading. We have listed some below. Additionally, we have a virtual summer camp offering classes virtually for cooking, music with DCMA, art with the Art Gallery at the Old Fort. Our virtual summer camp is open from June 22- August 22. Please inquire at

Lastly, for students in the Reception class that are scheduled to graduate, we will prepare graduation certificates and send to parents via email. A physical copy will be held in the office and can be picked up after August 17. All graduation ceremonies are held until December 2020. We will send customized videos to the graduates to acknowledge their special accomplishment in August.

All thanks are given to the CCA parents, students, and teachers.


CCA Leadership Team

Upcoming Events

Virtual Summer Camp: June 22

Final exams: July 6-10

Saba Saba Day: July 7 no online exam

Last day of online classes: July 10

Report Cards sent: July 17

Parent teacher virtual conference: July 22/23

Last day of term 3: July 23

The benefits to readers in a summer reading program include:

  • encouragement that reading become a lifelong habit.
  • reluctant readers can be drawn in by the activities.
  • reading over the summer helps children keep their skills up.
  • the program can generate interest in the library and books.

CCA promotes positive relationships and encourages self-worth through setting high standards in learning and development that is creative, culturally, cognitively, linguistically, emotionally and physically appropriate.