CCA child protection code

Our students are children, and CCA is wholly committed to the safety and protection of the children in its care. This code of conduct applies to all faculty, staff, employees, volunteers, and students who represent the school and are called upon to interact directly with students.

The public and private conduct of faculty, staff, employees, students, and volunteers acting on behalf of CCA can inspire and motivate those with whom they interact or can cause great harm if inappropriate. We will, at all times, be aware of the responsibilities that accompany our work, and we will provide a safe environment for our students. We will intervene when there is evidence, or reasonable cause to suspect, that a child in our care is the subject of any form of abuse or neglect. All cases of suspected abuse or neglect will be reported as directed in CCA’s child protection guidelines. All child protection matters will be treated in strict confidentiality.

We will be aware of our own and other persons’ vulnerability, especially when working alone with our students; we will be constantly aware that we are responsible for maintaining clear, unthreatening and appropriate physical, emotional, and sexual boundaries in such interactions. We will avoid any covert or overt sexual behavior in respect of those for whom we have the responsibility, including behavior that constitutes or may be perceived to constitute harassment by means of seductive, suggestive, abusive or exploitative speech or gestures (including physical contact).

CCA personnel and volunteers are strictly and absolutely prohibited from physically disciplining a student, at any time or in any way. We will exercise prudence and discretion before touching another person, especially a student; we will be aware of how physical touch will be perceived or received, and consider whether touching would be an appropriate expression of greeting, care, concern, or celebration.

Physical contact with children can be misconstrued both by the recipient and by those who observe it; it should occur only when completely nonsexual and otherwise appropriate, and must never take place in private. One-on-one meetings with a student will be held in a public area, in a room where the interaction can be (is) observed, or in a room with the door left open. Teachers, staff, employees, and volunteers may not possess, distribute, use or be under the influence of alcohol, tobacco, solvents, controlled substances or drugs other than prescription medication when on the CCA campus (during school hours) or when working with children generally. We may not possess or distribute inappropriate reading or video material to students, and we may not accept gifts from, or give gifts to, them without their parents’/guardians’ approval.

All communication between CCA staff (including volunteers) and students will be transparent and strictly limited to the professional role of the personnel concerned. Email exchanges between students and persons acting on behalf of the school will be made using a school email address. Electronic communication that takes place over a school network or platform may be subject to periodic monitoring. Faculty, staff, and volunteers will use online communications, including social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) and text messaging, to communicate with students solely in respect of bona fide school activities.

Click the link below to download the school-wide Child Protection Policy

Other important documented policy include but not limited to;